1. Parents are rquested to intimate the school office promptly about any change of address or telephone number if any, to enable the school office to contact them quickly in case of emergency.
  2. Irrespective of the date of admission. Fee will be charged for the full year of admission.
  3. Student whose fees are due after last date in arrears will have their names struck off the roll at the end of relevant month and will not be allowed to sit in the class and will be re-admitted provided the seat is vacant.
  4. If fee is pending then student will not be allowed to sit for examination.
  5. After 15 of respective fees month Rs. 10 per day will be charged as late fee and will be deposited in school fee office.
  6. Cheque should be issued only on school's name (i.e.) Blooming Dale school, Badaun.
  7. Out station cheque will no be entertained for fee.
  8. (A) ABSENCE ON RE-OPENING OF SCHOOL : The names of students on roll on 31st and 30th June remain on the school roll for three days, in the month of April and July from the date of opening of school. If the student is absent and a leave application is not submitted to the school authorities within three days, the name will be dropped from the school roll and the student will be re-admitted only after re-admission fee in line of the vacant seat.
  9. (B)CONTINUOUS ABSENCE DURING THE SESSION : If a student is absent for 7 days continuously without submitting a leave application, the name will be dropped from the roll and re-admission formalities will be done.
  10. Parents must give one month's notice in writing if they wish to withdraw their child/children, or in lieu of notice one month's fee must be paid.
  11. No reduction or remission of fees may be claimed on account of holidays or absence through illness or any other reason.
Till 15, of AprilTill 15, of MayTill 15, of July
Till 15, of SeptemberTill 15, of NovemberTill 15, of January
Thos paying online/R.T.G.S. have to come to school with the UTR. No. and collect the fee receipt. Details for Online Payments: Blooming Dale School
A/c No. : 32266506040
Bank : S.B.I. Arifpur Nawada
IFSC No. : SBIN0015673
Phone No. : 9045170077