1. All Communication should be addressed to the Principal.
2. Parents are requested to co-operate with the school in its attempt to help the children's progress by paying attention to their regularity, punctulaity and discipline .
3. Parents are requested to check the school almanac regularly and acknowledge the receipt to circulars.
4. Children are expected to be neatly dressed in full school uniform. Boys should have a short haircut and girls should have proper plate and they may wear small ear rings.
5. Encourage your ward to take interest in studies and extra-curricular activities.
6. Ensure that your wards do not bring crackers, colors (Gulal) etc. to the school.
7. Students suffering from infectious diseases should not be sent to school. If any child is suffering from any medical problem, Parents are requested to give an information letter to the school office.
8. Ensure that your ward does not bring valueables to the school. The school is not responsible for articles/personal belongings lost by the students.
9. No toys or sport equipment should be brought to the school unless asked by the teacher for a specific activity.
10. On their birthday, children are not allowed to distribute edible, sweets or any other expensive items/gifts to their class-mates. We do not appreciate the gestures of sending gifts from children to teachers for birthdays / celebrations and also child should come in school dress only, on day of birthday.

* Parents are rquested to intimate the school office promptly about any change of address or telephone number if any, to enable the school office to contact them quickly in case of emergency.