1. All applications regarding availing of the facility of the school bus or discontinuing it or the change of bus stops are to be submitted at the school reception.
2. The service is not mandatory but only an extra facility provided to the school students.
3. Routes of the school buses are drawn up carefully after giving due consideration to the convenience of the parents. However, the decision of the school authorities about routing, timing, pick up points etc. of the bus will be final.
4. All students using school bus are expected to be on the left side of the bus stop a least 5 minutes before the arrival time of the bus.
5. All student must be seated immediately after boarding their bus.
6. The children will be handed over to the designated persons at the bus .
7. In case of a change of residence address, no child will be allowed to change the bus route without priror permission of school authorities.
8.Students are expected to obey the caretaker and bus monitors appointed by the school. Indiscipline in the bus will not be tolerated and may lead to debarring the students from travelling in the bus or even discontinuation of the bus service for him/her.
9. Students are requested not to damage, disfigure or destroy school property. Cost of any damage to cushions, covers, curtains or any other fitings, fixtures etc. in the bus shall be recovered from the parents of the students(s) concerned.
10. Conveyance can not be withdrawn in mid- of the session at any cost.